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Donnerstag, 18. März 2010
Das Jugendamt beschädigt Deutschlands Ansehen
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Child Welfare Agency Echoes Nazi Germany?

Unter dieser Überschrift berichtet CBN-News-Reporter Dale Hurd über die Praktiken deutscher Jugendämter.

Leider sind viele Dinge, über die er berichtet, bittere Realität in Deutschland:

"The Jugendamt, which dominates Germany's controversial family court system, takes children when it wants, from perfectly normal families. The Jugendamt's well-documented treatment of families, especially homeschoolers, has now become an international issue."

"The Jugendamt undoubtedly does some good, somewhere, but it also has gained an international reputation as a ruthless organization that takes children from good families and wrecks homes."

"The German embassy in Washington told us flatly that the Jugendamt does not need to be reformed. And it answered 'yes,' when we asked, 'Does Germany adhere to the European Convention on Human rights in respect to the rights of parents?'
But a German legal expert insists that the German Supreme Court ruled in 2004 that the European Convention on Human Rights is not binding on Germany."

"In January, the Romeikes, a German homeschool family, were granted asylum in the U.S. after an immigration judge ruled that Germany and the Jugendamt had violated their human rights.

"HSLDA Attorney Mike Donnelly told CBN News that more German families are seeking political asylum in the United States."

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Ob der Vergleich nun stimmt oder nicht - das ist unser Bild im Ausland. Und Deutsche erhalten mittlerweile wieder politisches Asyl in den USA.

Traurig genug.

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